Black gold

With a secret recipe, using nature’s purest ingredients, passed down through 

generations of exquisitely honed craftsmanship, we create each unique bite of luxurious 

Kouvolan licorice . The best licorice in the world.



From Imperial Heritage to the World’s Finest

The roots of Kouvolan licorice reach back to Europe and all the way to the Russian Empire and Vyborg, the future second-largest city of Finland. The year was 1906. As the splendor of the Russian Empire flourished, Vyborg was already preparing for an impending revolution – a revolution of flavors. Luxury commodities such as delicious lemonades and mineral waters were created for the grand festivities of the local bourgeoisie.

Licorice, however, was yet to make its appearance. 

As the decades rolled on, Vyborg, the birthplace of Kouvolan licorice, found itself amidst the tumultuous events of world history. Post-war Finland provided a new home, where a miracle took place on Christmas of 1945: a small batch of magical licorice root powder found its way to the factory.

Licorice was born.

The new mouthwatering delicacy quickly gained reputation, but the folks at the licorice factory – located in the city of Kouvola – aimed to turn the good into something even better.

They sought the expertise of the renowned English licorice master, H. Knoch, to fine-tune the secret recipe. With his magic touch, he transformed the black treat into something sublimely heavenly.

A new luxurious licorice flavor was born. 



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Unique like snowflakes

The world's finest flavor of Kouvolan Licorice is created in the hands of our esteemed licorice masters. Every single bite of licorice is handcrafted from start to finish.

And that is why each bite is truly unique.


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Sculptors of flavors

Our masters carry the skill of crafting perfect taste experiences by hand, evolved over decades of time.

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Sealers of luxury

The chain of our craftsmanship continues unbroken, as unique flavor sensations are sealed within gift boxes worth their true value.


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Ambassadors of licorice

Newly crafted licorices embark on a journey all over the world, guided by our ambassadors of licorice. What is prepared today, most often reaches its destination by tomorrow.

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Unique like snowflakes

The world's finest flavor of Kouvolan Licorice is created in the hands of our esteemed licorice masters. Every single bite of licorice is handcrafted from start to finish.

And that is why each bite is truly unique.


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– The baron and the son

Kouvolan Licorice found its way under the capable wings of Baron Timo Nisula’s family enterprise, as its product, licorice, was deemed so exceptional by the Baron that he wanted to take the responsibility for shaping the company’s future.

Now Kouvolan Licorice is starting its journey around the world. “From a small country like Finland, one can only go global with an exceptional product – which is exactly what our licorice is,” says Timo Nisula. “The fact that it’s made traditionally, by hand, with the finest ingredients over time – that’s what makes Kouvolan Licorice truly unique.”

The secret of Kouvolan Licorice lies not only in its well-protected recipe but also in its creators. The skill of making the world’s best licorice has been passed down from one master to another, from one generation to the next. This also applies to the leadership of the factory. When in time Timo Nisula moves on from operational management, his son Santeri Nisulasteps up to wear the crown. “I’ve been keenly following the operations of the company all my life and learned all the jobs the licorice masters do – and which they skillfully taught me. My honest aim is to take Kouvolan Licorice to the top of the world.”

–The baron and the son

Kouvolan Licorice found its way under the capable wings of Baron Timo Nisula’s family enterprise, as its product, licorice, was deemed so exceptional by the Baron that he wanted to take the responsibility for shaping the company’s future.

Now Kouvolan Licorice is starting its journey around the world. “From a small country like Finland, one can only go global with an exceptional product – which is exactly what our licorice is,” says Timo Nisula. “The fact that it’s made traditionally, by hand, with the finest ingredients over time – that’s what makes Kouvolan Licorice truly unique.”

The secret of Kouvolan Licorice lies not only in its well-protected recipe but also in its creators. The skill of making the world’s best licorice has been passed down from one master to another, from one generation to the next. This also applies to the leadership of the factory. When in time Timo Nisula moves on from operational management, his son Santeri Nisula steps up to wear the crown. “I’ve been keenly following the operations of the company all my life and learned all the jobs the licorice masters do – and which they skillfully taught me. My honest aim is to take Kouvolan Licorice to the top of the world.”

KOUVOLA - The city of pure nature and water


When Kouvolan Licorice made the decision to build a complete new factory, a total of 75 Finnish cities expressed their keen interest in hosting the facility. However, what ultimately prevailed was tradition, and thus Kouvolan Licorice continues to operate in the city of Kouvola. The city was also selected for its idyllic setting amidst untouched natural splendor and pristine, crystal-clear water sources.

–The city of pure nature and water

When Kouvolan Licorice made the decision to build a complete new factory, a total of 75 Finnish cities expressed their keen interest in hosting the facility. However, what ultimately prevailed was tradition, and thus Kouvolan Licorice continues to operate in the city of Kouvola. The city was also selected for its idyllic setting amidst untouched natural splendor and pristine, crystal-clear water sources. 



Master of licoricen

Kouvolan Lakritsin lakritsi lähtee tehtaalta heti valmistuttuaan uunituoreena ja ihanan pehmeänä. Sitä ei varastoida, sillä Kouvolan Lakritsilla ei edes ole varastoa. Tämä on maailmanlaajuisesti ainutlaatuista. Lisäksi jokaisen asiakkaalle lähtevän lakupakkauksen sisällön hyväksyy Suomen parhaan sommelierin, Juha Lihtosen, kouluttama mestarimaistaja Master of Licorice. Hän signeeraa pakkauksen, kun on varmistanut, että pakkauksessa on vain parhaista parhaita paloja.


x.xx oz


Soft and tasty liquorice bites for the friends of real liquorice and best delicacies.


Wheat flour, water, sugar, sugar syrup, food-grade molasses, salty liquorice, salt, natural flavouring (liquorice extract, aniseed oil), food colouring (E153), emulsifier (E471), acidity regulator (E500), preservatives (E211, E202).

(Nutritional content 100 g)

Energy                          1292 Kj / 308 kcal
Fat                                 0.5 g
of which saturated     0.3 g
Carbohydrates            70.5 g
of witch sugars           41.5 g
Protein                         4.3 g
Salt                                0.6 g


x.xx oz


Soft and tasty liquorice bites for the friends of real liquorice and best delicacies.


Wheat flour, water, sugar, sugar syrup, food-grade molasses, salty liquorice, salt, natural flavouring (liquorice extract, aniseed oil), food colouring (E153), emulsifier (E471), acidity regulator (E500), preservatives (E211, E202).

(Nutritional content 100 g)

Energy                          1292 Kj / 308 kcal
Fat                                 0.5 g
of which saturated     0.3 g
Carbohydrates            70.5 g
of witch sugars           41.5 g
Protein                         4.3 g
Salt                                0.6 g